Best Way to Invest in Startups in 2023 for Passive Income

Are you tired missing the opportunities for the next Facebook, the next Uber, or the next Airbnb?


What if you knew them early and you were able to invest before they Skyrocketed? How many people would be millionaires if they had the chance to see the opportunity at the right moment?


In this article, I am going to show you a very very promising way to identify when to invest in startups!!


You can also watch my video here!


Before we start, I would like to tell you a bit about investing in startups.

Investing in the next potentially billion dollar company.

It is a high-risk, high-return kind of investment, and the general rule of thumb in investing, is that the higher the growth potential is, the higher the risk.

And that is why you need to be careful and you need to become a smart investor, meaning that even if you invest some money and you lose them, you are not going to lose your sleep over it!

Also the tough reality about startups is that the 90% of them die within the first year of their existence.


That’s the death valley, as they call it in Silicon Valley.


According to data from National Venture Capital Association,

25-30% or startups go bankrupt


And you might be wondering why this numbers are so high…

This might be due to a number of reasons:

  • Fast Changing Market Conditions
  • High Competition
  • Inexperience of the Founders
  • Management and Funding Issues
  • Unforeseen Changes

So what is the best way to invest with low to no risk?

The best way is that you do not have to do this on your own.
Bear in mind, that I am not an investment expert myself, and I am here to present a very interesting platform that can perform the selection for you, by finding the right portfolio that fits your investment and expectations.

In this way, you can minimize the risk and invest your money on the right horse!



Disclaimer: The content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice.




So Scramble evaluates businesses in advance, based on factors such as financial stability, growth prospects, interest in the product, and the level of education of the founders.

Scramble also gives you a startup batch, which is a collection of different startups where you can invest, either on specific ones, or in the entire batch! where your investment will be distributed among those startups.

Scramble does all the research for you, by having done the deep analysis and presents to you each month the startups that worth investing your money in.


Another amazing feature is that they even offer you two different loan terms, Group A and Group B, depending on the level of risk you want to take.

So Group A is less profitable, but the payments are made monthly for the entire six month period, while the profitable part of 5% is paid immediately after the end of the round and this group of loans is protected by 3 degrees of protection

On the other hand, Group B, is more profitable, with the yield of 9% for 6 months, but the payment is made at the end of the six month period.




Another amazing idea is that if you have a startup, is that you can use Scramble to raise funding!






So what is your opinion on that? Will you start investing in one of those startup gems out there?


Let me know in my video in the comments below, how easy it was to create an account and get started! 


Do not forget to like, comment and share the video on YouTube as I release new long video content twice per week! 


Until next time, keep hustling!